Example Script.R

#Important Announcement#
# June 13, 2023 #
# I am temporarily removing the Granger Test.
# We have recently found many instances of this test returning
# false positives and false negatives. Although we wanted to use this test as a
# novel test of rhythmicity it seems we can't do that at this moment.
# Remember that this test evaluates whether the Cosinor fit we create,
# can be used to predict future changes in the raw data and vice versa.
# The idea is that if an individual or signal is rhythmic for a given period,
# it should present a causal relationship between the cosinor and raw data.
# Note that if the Cosinor and the data match perfectly, the granget test will
# output an NA.
#If the granger test returns a pvalue > 0.05 or NA, this does not mean
#your data is generally arhythmic! We can only say that the data is not-rythimic for
#the specific period/frequency given to the cosinor. Your data may still be
#rhythmic just with a different period.

# 1. Load Library

# 2. Choose file
file = file.choose()

# 3. Depending on the file choose your import function
## The general import function is 'read_csv_data'. It requires that
## your file is in .csv format. The first column must be the datetime column.
## The second column should be your Light/Dark data, if you have any.
## All other columns will be the signals/individuals you want to analyze.
## If you're going to import a trikinetics file use 'read_trikinetics_2'.
## In this example we use a trikinetics file.
trikinetics = read_trikinetics_2(file)

#4. **** REQUIRED ***** Define meta-data (Sampling Rate)
## It is critical that the sampling_rate is specified correctly.
## We are working on some stability improvements, in the meantime
##you will have to specify the sampling_rate twice.
sampling_rate_in_seconds = 60 #This is an example of 1 minute.
## RUN THIS ##
## Do not modify ##
sampling_rate_numeric = 3600/sampling_rate_in_seconds
sampling_rate_in_minutes = 60/sampling_rate_in_seconds
## Thank you! ##

#5. Generate Actograms to choose which individuals to analyze
#Run without modifying. The actogram will be saved in your working directory.
actogram(read_trikinetics(file)[-2], sampling = sampling_rate_in_minutes)

#6. Rhythm Analysis
## This is the main function of the library.
trikinetics_analyzed = process_timeseries.main(

  df = trikinetics,

  # Window of Analysis Arguments
  make_windows = TRUE,
  window_size_in_days = 5, # Recommended minimum is 5 days
  window_step_in_days = 1,

  # Period in which to look for peaks within each window (in hours)
  from = 15, #15 hours
  to = 33, #33 hours

  #The function needs to know the sampling rate of your data.
  sampling_rate = '1 minute',

  # Should the data be detrended before analysis?
  detrend_data = FALSE, #Use only for data that has seasonal trends.

  #Which, if any, smoothing method you want to use on your data?
  #Moving average or Two-pass Butterworth filter?
  #Only one should be TRUE at a time. If both are selected as TRUE,
  #the system will default to butterworth = TRUE.
  movavg = FALSE,
  butterworth = TRUE,
  #If butterworth is TRUE, specify the frequency or period (1/frequency) that
  #you're interested in filtering out.
  #f_high is the high pass filter.
  #f_low is the low pass filter.
  #The frequency given to the butterworth must match the sampling rate of the
  #data. That is why we are multiplying it by the sampling rate.
  #Here we are removing all periods below 12 hours and those above 35 hours.
  f_low = 1/(12*sampling_rate_numeric),
  f_high = 1/(35*sampling_rate_numeric),
  # f_high = 0,
  #Order for the butterworth filter
  order = 2,

  #If you're going to be working with big data, make this argument TRUE.
  #Beware, if your dataset is small, setting this argument to TRUE will make
  #it run slower as there is an overhead to paralleling the analysis.
  big_data = FALSE,

  ##Control the p.value threshold and the ovarsampling factor for the
  #lomb-scargle periodogram
  ofac = sampling_rate_in_seconds,
  lomb_pvalue = 0.05

# 7. Export Figures
## 7.1 Export Detailed Plots
### Make sure the sampling_rate says if the data is sampled in minutes, hours,
### or days.
### If you selected make_time_windows = TRUE in the analysis,
detailed_plots(trikinetics_analyzed, sampling_rate = 'minutes', windows = TRUE)
## 7.2 Summary Plots

# 8. Tidy up data for export
## The data outputted by 'process_timeseries.main) is not easily read
##by humans. Therefore, we have deviced a function that arranges the data
## into 3 data.frames that are easy to export and read.
trikinetics_tidy = simplify_data(trikinetics_analyzed)

## 9. Export Tidied Data
  .x = trikinetics_tidy,
  .y = c('analysis_data', 'autocorrelation_results', 'lomb_scargle_results', 'utils'),
  .f = ~ {
    df = rename(.x, unique_identifier = data)
    write_csv(df, paste0(.y,'.csv'))

## 10. Summary Plots (End of Life Cycle)
actograms_by_window = plot_actogram_windows(trikinetics_tidy$data)
## Raw data plots
raw_plots = plot_raw_values(trikinetics_tidy$data)
## Plot Autocorrelation Results
acf_plots = plot_acf_results(trikinetics_tidy$autocorrelation)
## Plot Lomb-Scargle Results
lsp_plots = plot_lsp_results(trikinetics_tidy$lombscargle)

  .x = names(raw_plots),
  .f = ~ {
    layout = rbind(c(1,1,1,1),
    plots =  arrangeGrob(raw_plots[[.x]],
                         acf_plots$period_plots[[.x]], acf_plots$rhythm_plots[[.x]], acf_plots$granger_plots[[.x]],
                         lsp_plots$period_plots[[.x]], lsp_plots$rhythm_plots[[.x]], lsp_plots$granger_plots[[.x]],
                         lsp_plots$amplitude_plots[[.x]], lsp_plots$phase_plots[[.x]],
                         nrow = 5, ncol = 4,
                         layout_matrix = layout)

    ggsave(paste0(.x,"_summary_plots.pdf"), plot = plots, width = 15, height = 10, limitsize = FALSE)

edpclau/circadian-dynamics documentation built on July 1, 2024, 2:33 a.m.